Greetings from the Outgoing EQ

by Carol & Duane Gumbs and Francine & Steve Turtz

It is hard to believe that our time together as the CCC Executive Quartet (EQ) ended in June 2024. The time has flown by in a blink of an eye. Our experience together in contribution provided a level of joy and satisfaction to both our couples that far surpassed our expectations.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the members of the board and to the CCC community at large for allowing us to serve in this capacity.

We are proud of working together as a team where each couple brought commitment and valuable insights to each board meeting. Friendships were formed and fun and laughter were present while getting work done. The 2023-24 board utilized the word “Synergy” and adopted the model of lateral leadership, and with this group of talented, dedicated, and passionate couples, we were able to make a difference in the organization. It was an honor and privilege to work with everyone in pursuit of CCC’s mission and vision.

Initially, we collectively decided on four priorities for the 2023-24 year:

  • Create synergy across all committees
  • Enhance Source Couple and Circle Health
  • Improve Communications (including website enhancements)
  • Promote member participation

The collaborative efforts of this Board produced accomplishments that made us proud. This included:

  • An updated, engaging website that keeps improving
  • An exciting convention and new possibilities for the future of conventions
  • Three professionally produced training videos to be accessible on the website
  • Robust conversations on the Source Couple calls where attendance has significantly increased
  • Quarterly, informative newsletters
  • Monthly training programs that provided value to all couples as well as sessions open to non-CCC members.
  • Easier methods to manage payments to CCC
  • Updates to the Member Guidebook
  • Efficient management of CCC finances

We are also grateful to members in the CCC community for all your contributions. Your willingness to take on responsibilities in your circle and nationally made a huge difference. This included: leading training calls, being effective Source Couples, taking responsibility in your circles, and mentoring new couples–just to list a few.

This would not have been possible without your generosity. Three couples will leave the board this year: Rhona & Nat Fiore, Joanne Barnett & Gary Waldron, and Amy & Steve Burke. We thank them for bringing brilliant conversations 100% of the time. We are grateful that they have decided to continue to share their talents in the organization–just in different capacities.

The new EQ will be Mary Anne & Richard Erickson and Carol & Duane Gumbs. As we pass the baton to the new 2024-25 board, we are confident about the ongoing commitment to the success of CCC. We look forward to the new couples joining the 2024-25 board, confident that the experience, growth and joy of serving on the board will expand their Couple. We know that the organization will continue to source love and relationships in the world in a powerful way.

Carol & Duane Gumbs are in the Northern NJ Circle, and Francine & Steve Turtz are in the Westworld (Online) Circle.

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